Summer Camps Specialising in Certain Areas!
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Specialist Summer Camp

Summer Camps Specialising in Certain Areas!

What’s a Specialist Summer Camp?

A Specialist Summer Camp focuses their activities around a particular activity.

For example, we have Specialist Performing Arts camps that focus on exceptional acting, music and performing. We also work with Specialist Sports Camps where the campers will spend most of the day practising sport.

Campers who go to these camps are usually really passionate about this particular activity and want to really develop their skill levels during the summer!
There are all of the usual activities at camp, like water sports, arts, target sports etc, however, the main focus will be on the specialist area.

Use your skills all day!

Every day at camp is different, but a typical day will be full of fun activity sessions.

At a specialist camp, structured activities or sports are led to push campers abilities.

The campers will come together on a regular basis for performances, competitions, and games too!

Camp’s not all work though! You’ll have plenty of time to have fun and enjoy being around a campfire.

Work at a Specialist Camp

Working at a Specialist Summer Camp is a great way to spend a summer if you want to coach a specific area, or if you have qualifications and expertise.

While you get to help the campers improve their skills, you’ll be improving yours too. Win, win!

You don’t need to be fully qualified to work at a specialist camp. Camps need people of all qualification levels.

Whether you want to work as a Camp Counselor, Activity Leader, or as Support Staff, you can!

Apply for Summer Camp

To bag yourself a place, you need to apply for Summer Camp today!