Find out more about Summer Camp J1 Jobs in America
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Jobs in America – Our Events

Find out more about Summer Camp J1 Jobs in America

Jobs in America: Learn more with USA Summer Camp

Are you keen to find out more about exploring and working in America? USA Summer Camp have events and presentations designed to help you to decide your job in America. We’ll be visiting colleges and Universities across Ireland, to make sure we can meet you in person and tell you everything you need to know about working in the USA! Our presentations are short and sweet, but packed full of all the information you need that will convince you why this is the perfect opportunity for you.

We also host Ireland’s biggest Job Fair at the iconic Aviva Stadium. Join 35+ Camp Directors and hundreds of participants in this incredible stadium, sneak a peak at the pitch, but most importantly you can walk away with your summer job sorted in a day! There will be hundred of jobs available, to work at a camp in America or even Canada. So, put the date in your calendar now – it’s an unmissable event!

Summer Camp Presentations

We’ll be visiting your University or College to show you in more detail how incredible our jobs in America are. You’ll learn more about camp, hear stories from our amazing presenters about their own experiences, and we’ll be there to answer any of your important questions. Unlike a lot of the presentations you’ve probably been to before, this is a fun one – promise!

Remember, if you’re ever in Maynooth, come and see us or give us a call us on 1 533 0818 and we can discuss anything you’d like about our jobs in America.

Our presentations usually start in September / October, so stay tuned for those!

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